Our Books

How to Submit a Manuscript
Windy Sea Publishing is a highly selective independent imprint that uses a hybrid publishing model to collaborate with authors in producing a quality book to industry standards.
Hybrid publishing provides the best of traditional publishing and the benefits of self-publishing. We bring our expertise in ensuring you have a professional quality cover, interior layout and design, provide ISBNs under our imprint, obtain LCCNs from the Library of Congress, format pdfs and EPUBs, provide materials for marketing, and ensure your book is available through Ingram, Amazon, and bookstores worldwide. You maintain creative input and retain all rights and receive higher royalties than is possible with traditional publishing.
The review process for full-length manuscripts can take up to 4–6 months, or longer in some instances. We appreciate your patience when submitting your manuscript.
There is no charge to submit a manuscript. If we accept your work for publication, we will submit a breakdown of estimated costs of what it will take to publish your book. To submit your manuscript please click the SUBMIT button below, complete the form, and upload your document in pdf or MS Word format only or email us at amchanson@windyseapublishing with questions.
Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you!

© 2016 Amanda M. Hanson